FEATURED AUTHOR: Kenneth Wick - Science Fiction / Climate Fiction Award Winning Writer

Our featured author won the 2018 Breakthrough Fiction Award in Science Fiction for his sci-fi / cli-fi thriller, Progeny's Promise. We're proud to introduce author Kenneth Wick.

Tell us something about Kenneth Wick, the man.

I was born in a small town in Eastern Montana in the year 1950. Raised on an old fashioned farm and ranch. No running water or telephones, just plenty of open space to grow up in. Still growing up I guess. My wife tells me I don't act a day over 14, which is just fine with me.

After high school, President Richard Nixon sent me a nice letter informing me the US Army needed my services. I didn't have any services, but that didn't matter, they would train. They did and I became a medic. Which was good. I liked the job.

Upon my return home, with honorable discharge in hand, I attended Montana State University in Bozeman and studied art. That was too much fun, so I bought a bunch of cows and took up farming. Lost a ton of money. Stupid cows never do what you tell'em. Found work in the oil patch to pay for the farming and cows, and have been paying for them ever since. Stupid cows.

The adventures with the oil industry provided travel overseas. I worked in beautiful countries with wonderful folks who shared their cultures with me. This Montana boy discovered the world is filled with amazing people. I spent a couple years in the Amazon jungle of eastern Ecuador, a few years in the Alaska northland above the arctic circle and a couple stints in Siberia. A few years were back and forth in the Middle East, with the last three in Saudi Arabia before I retired.

I now live and play in Montana in the midst of the Rocky Mountains. It's said if you're lucky enough to live in the mountains, you're lucky enough. That is true.

The idea for PROGENY'S PROMISE appeared while I wandered around the deserts of Saudi Arabia scribbling thoughts to paper. I'd always wanted to write and wish I had started the journey much earlier in my life, but at 14 who thinks like that?

How did you start writing and what was your inspiration for Progeny's Promise?

I enrolled in a novel writing course from the Long Ridge Writer's Group just before I retired. They provided more than just lessons. Great instructors and kind, considerate people.

Progeny's Promise is a Climate Fiction novel. Why did you choose to write about this topic?

Growing up in the beauty of unspoiled ranchland, an innate respect for the land develops in some folks. I'm one of them. Working in the oil industry showed me what can be done to the land when Humans have little of that respect and I experienced the damage to the environment we humans are capable of and responsible for. In fiction, many truths can be revealed.

We understand that you're an Army veteran and was a MEDIC in a MASH unit. Did it help you with the military scenes in the book? How hard was the research in writing a book like this?

Very much. I'm also fortunate to have many friends in the military. The research while writing Progeny delved into many fields, not just military. I enjoy researching. Helps expand the grasp of topics the imagination can fine tune. My favorite quote is Albert Einstein's "Imagination is more important than knowledge." 

What do you envision for Progeny's Promise?

Progeny will move on as the story of Earth's and Humankind's  renewal spreads across the galaxy and the Universe.

Is there another book coming? What's it about?

Yes. Progeny's Journey is the story of progeny's voyage to Giana and their descendant's growth along the evolutionary path while on that planet over many centuries. It's also the story of Earth's healing transformation and perils.

Being an indie author, what has been your experience? How do you find Indie Publishing?

I tried the query route. Many of them. I knew Progeny was a good book. So I went Indie. It's been a rough road but worth it. Being Indie, one meets some of the most kind and considerate folks along the way. 

Do you have any advice for other Indie authors?

As you journey on the Indie path, do no harm, help others and NEVER GIVE UP!

What is your message to your readers?

I hope the Progeny provides more than just a story. There are elements within that hold true today. Progeny increases awareness of our planet which is now suffering massive degradation and needs all of us to step up.

*I ask my readers to please be patient. Unlike a book-a-month factory, I'm a very slow writer. I use a quill to tap the keys on my laptop.

Very funny, Mr. Wick. We await Progeny's Journey with bated breath.


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